equipment Adam Fonseca equipment Adam Fonseca

Tour Striker Smart Ball Review

The Tour Striker Smart Ball is one of the best golf training aids that I have ever used. Simple, compact, and inexpensive, you’ll love all the benefits this device offers.

The Tour Striker Smart Ball is a fantastic golf training aid from which any player will benefit. Invented by Top 100 teacher Martin Chuck, the Smart Ball is both useful and compact, making it a perfect training aid option to include in your bag.

Tour Striker Smart Ball Details

Some of the best golf training aids are the most simple, and the Tour Striker Smart Ball fits the bill.

Consisting of an inflatable ball on the end of a neck lanyard, the Smart Ball is meant to be worn around your neck as the ball drapes across your chest. After placing the lanyard around your next, you can tighten it to allow for the ball to hang just above your belt buckle. In many ways this is similar to a neck tie, but with a very different purpose.

The science or technique behind the Smart Ball is multidimensional. First, you can use the aid to determine if you are swaying off the ball during your backswing. Allow the ball to hang over the golf ball as you slowly take the club back. If you are swaying off the golf ball too aggressively, the Smart Ball will move significantly away from an ideal address position.

The Smart Ball can also be used to practice staying “connected” throughout your swing. Placing the Smart Ball between your forearms allows you to practice taking the golf club back while keeping the aid in the same position within your forearms. This allows you to determine if your forearms are separating excessively at any point of your swing, which can lead to any number of poor results.

Tour Striker Smart Ball Benefits

I noticed many swing benefits during my time with the Smart Ball. As a golfer who sometimes battles a hook or thin shot, the Smart Ball allowed me to slow things down and focus on my swing sequencing.

When I am swinging poorly, my elbows have a tendency to separate, leading to the dreaded “chicken wing” swing flaw. This causes all sorts of bad shots. My score soars, my enjoyment drops, and life is terrible.

The Tour Striker Smart Ball helped me identify when this (and other) swing flaws were occurring and how to fix them. I was impressed with how well this training aid worked despite its simple design and concept. I think this is an important realization, especially with a game as complicated as golf can sometimes be.

The Tour Striker Smart Ball is trusted by some of the game’s top teachers and pros on multiple Tours. There is no doubt you will also find benefits to your game after practicing with the Smart Ball. This is one of the best training aids I’ve ever used.

For more information, visit the Tour Striker website here.

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